FST Election Results 2018

8th August 2018
It was an honour to be asked to be the independent Scrutineer for the Fulham Supporters’ Trust Board Elections 2018 and it has been an interesting experience.
Nine vacancies were declared, and ten nominations were received but on informing the nominees one decided to withdraw leaving us with nine nominees for nine positions.
Therefore, as the Independent Scrutineer, and in line with rule 3.7 of the Election Rules, I declare those nine nominees appointed.
Those appointed are: Ian Clarke; Sue Couch; Dan Crawford; Chris Gilbertson; Tom Greatrex; Les O’Gorman; Gerry Pimm; Archie Rhind-Tutt; and Owen Smith.
In line with the current Constitution, at the first Society Board meeting lots shall be drawn to determine which four nominees are appointed for a two-year term, or part thereof, and the other five will then be deemed to be appointed for a one-year term or part thereof.
There should then be a further election prior to the next AGM where three vacancies will be declared, and the five retiring Directors will be eligible to stand again for election as will any other eligible members. This will then leave the required two spaces for co-opted Directors.
As part of my role I am required to report whether the current Society Election Rules Regulations and Procedures and the Society Constitution were adhered to. I am satisfied they were.
However, I consider that both the current Election Rules, Regulations and Procedures and the current Constitution are no longer fit for purpose and need to be updated as a matter of urgency. The former for the next Election and the latter for proposal to the next AGM.
I would recommend that both are reviewed in consultation with Supporters Direct who will advise on best practice.
Best wishes, Neil Le Milliere
Independent Scrutineer 2018