Riverside Stand – FFC Survey

As you will be aware, the progress of the redevelopment of the Riverside Stand has been one of the key issues the Trust has been involved in discussions with the Club about.
Over the course of the next few weeks, as we get used to watching Fulham from a temporarily three sided ground, the old structure will be demolished as work continues towards a new stand. You will be aware that part of the reasoning for the new stand is to be able to provide facilities on matchdays that were simply not possible in the old stand and income streams and local amenities on non-matchdays.
As a Trust, we have already been putting forward ideas to incorporate aspects of the Club’s history and heritage into the fabric of the ground, including where possible and appropriate, in the new stand. We have also put forward ideas coming from our membership and have encouraged the Club to ensure there is the opportunity for input from supporters prior to decisions being made on the fit out and matchday packages that will be available in the new, larger stand.
During next week, season ticket holders, members (including members from last season who may not yet have purchased a membership for 2019/20), and both seasonal and occasional hospitality package purchasers will be asked to take part in a preliminary survey by a third party organisation undertaking research on behalf of Fulham Football Club.
This is an important opportunity to provide some feedback on options, put forward your own ideas and give your opinion about what you would be interested in with the new stand. The survey has been designed to seek views on catering options, use of facilities before and after games and different seating options, and does so by asking you to rank between hypothetical options to test views. So it is an important opportunity to influence the way the Club approaches the configuration of the new stand early on and before any firm decisions have been made.
The Trust therefore encourages all of our members to take part in the survey and set aside the 15 to 20 minutes to complete it in full, if you are able to.
It will be an important element in the Club’s early consultation, and having pressed the Club on the merits of seeking views of supporters, we would like to see as many of our fanbase as possible – whether or not they have been regular spectators from the Riverside – to take part.
Only those who have opted in to receive information from Fulham will receive the survey. If you haven’t opted in (you may recall that when new data protection regulations were introduced recently then the Club had to ask people to actively opt-in to be sent information), and you want to take part in this survey, then you will need to do that here.
Although this survey is not being carried out by the Trust, we are supportive of the Club taking supporters’ views seriously and so would like to see as many of our fans as possible taking part. If you do so, and there are specific issues arising from it that you would like us to pursue, then please do also let us know.