Elections to the Board – 2020

The Fulham Supporters’ Trust is now inviting nominations for members to join the board. In this cycle we are looking to elect up to five board members for terms of up to three years.
Four members will be elected to full three year board terms whilst a fifth will assume the remaining term of a vacant board position. Allocation of terms to successful candidates will be made either by number of votes received if a ballot is required or by lots in the event of no ballot.
The current board is made up of 11 volunteer members – 10 elected and one co-opted – who each take responsibility for specific areas of Trust activity. One co-opted and three elected board members are at the end of their current terms and are entitled to stand again if they so choose.
In normal times, we hold an evening board meeting once per month in Hammersmith and we also meet the Club monthly at Motspur Park on a week day daytime. During the current pandemic, video conference calls are being held to replace face to face meetings.
As well as these monthly meetings, we undertake a wide variety of activities on behalf of Fulham supporters and are also members of the Metropolitan Police Independent Advisory Group, affiliated to the national umbrella body for Trusts, the Football Supporters’ Association and part of the EFL Championship supporters’ group. You can read about the full range of activity undertaken by the Trust board on our web site.
We are looking for members with the time, skills, enthusiasm and ideas to join the board and take responsibility for some of our growing range of activities; we hope that you will consider either putting yourself forward or encouraging others you know. You can read full details of the process below.
The Trust is at its strongest when our members are engaged. Thank you again for your membership and support of the Trust.
Yours, on behalf of the current FST Board
Tom Greatrex
Chair, Fulham Supporters’ Trust
Election process and rules
The election will be held in accordance with the election rules and the process will be overseen by an independent scrutineer who is a Trust member and who is neither a candidate nor nominating or seconding a candidate.
To be eligible to stand for election in 2020, the only requirements are that
- you are a current Trust member and were a member by May 2020 i.e. at 30 April 2020
- you are nominated and seconded by current Trust members who were also members on 30 April 2020.
Information required
You will need to supply contact information for yourself and those nominating and seconding you and a 200 word election statement that will be sent out with the electronic voting forms if there are more nominations than places available for election. The election statements of all successful candidates will be made available at the conclusion of the process.
Please supply the following information by email to the Independent Scrutineer (election2020@fulhamsupporterstrust.com) by 11 June 2020.
- Name
- email address
- Telephone
- Social media
Nominated by
- Member name
- email address
- Telephone
Seconded by
- Member name
- email address
- Telephone
- A maximum of 200 words to support your candidacy.
Election timetable
- Thursday 28 May 2020 – Nominations open
- Thursday 11 June 2020 – Nominations close
If no ballot required
- Thursday 18 June 2020 – Announcement of new board
If ballot required
- Thursday 18 June 2020 – Electronic ballot and candidate statements circulated to Trust members
- Thursday 2 July 2020 – Close of voting
- Monday 6 July 2020 – Announcement of election results