Europa League Stories

Calling all Fulham fans with a story to tell about their journeys to and from Europa League fixtures during the closure of airspace in 2010.
ITN Productions are currently working on a film about the 2010 eruption of the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajökull, for Channel 5.
The 90-minute film will explore how the ash cloud’s paralysis of continental European airspace brought chaos to millions. Eyewitness and expert accounts alongside archive footage will explore the events of the 6-day period as they unfold.
They’re looking at how sporting events were affected and Fulham’s semi-final against Hamburg in the Europa League was part of that. The producers would like to get on-camera interviews with travelling Fulham supporters.
If you attempted an epic journey to get to the semi-final in Hamburg, please contact Rikki-Lee Bevan via their email address, Rikki-Lee will arrange a Zoom call and take it from there.
Don’t delay! Filming starts on 2nd May.