Board update

Following the recent election, at which all four Trust board members who stood down by rotation were re-elected, the board met for the first time this week to agree roles and responsibilities for the coming year.
Our constitution requires a small number of formal positions to be held and we have a few changes to tell you about.
Firstly, Tom Greatrex, who has been Chair of the Trust since 2016, decided to stand down from the role after six years at the helm. This was Tom’s second time as Chair, having led Back to the Cottage in 2002 and the subsequent creation of the FST in 2003. It is safe to say that the Trust wouldn’t exist today if not for Tom’s unstinting efforts over many years, and we are delighted that he remains a board member and will focus on a number of initiatives in the coming year.
Simon Duke, formerly our Secretary, was the unanimous choice of the board to replace Tom as Chair, having first been elected in July 2020 and re-elected this month. We are delighted to welcome Simon as Chair and look forward to an exciting year under his leadership.
Dan Crawford, who has worked tirelessly for the Trust for many years, has kindly agreed to take over the role of Secretary, while the roles of Vice Chair (Ian Clarke), Treasurer (Jerry Cope) and Membership Secretary (Jerry Cope) remain unchanged.
Aside from these formal roles, all members of the board take on specific areas of responsibility, whether it be liaison with the Club and external groups such as the Police, Council and FSA, or any of the other activities which take place behind the scenes to make sure that the Trust continues to run smoothly and that Fulham supporters’ voices are heard. You can read full details of all board members and their roles and responsibilities here.
We’d also like to thank Amelia Armstrong for her contribution to the FST as a co-opted board member this year. Amelia has decided to stand down from the board, but will continue her excellent work as Fulham’s HerGameToo ambassador.
As ever we thank you for your continued support of the Fulham Supporters’ Trust and encourage you to spread the word to recruit your Fulham friends as Trust members as we look forward to celebrating our 20th anniversary in 2023.
Simon, Ian, Jerry, Dan, Sue, Hayley, Tamara, Tom, Sarah, Gavin, Farrell, Owen
FST Board