Notes from February meeting with FFC

On Wednesday 14 February 2024 at 13.30, the Fulham Supporters’ Trust (FST) met with Fulham FC via video conference.
The Club was represented by:
- Alistair Mackintosh (Chief Executive, AM)
- David Daly (Non-Executive Director, DD)
- Carmelo Mifsud (Communications Director, CM)
- Aimee McKenzie (Operations Director, AMc)
- John D’Arcy (Head of Safety, JD)
- Katy Brecht (Head of Ticketing, KB)
- Glenn Sutton (Chief Profit Officer, GS)
- Samuel Curteis (Supporter Relations Executive, SC)
- Matt Lowery, (Chief Marketing Officer, ML)
- Tim Griffith, (Head of Strategy & Insights, TG)
The FST was represented by:
- Simon Duke (Chair, SD)
- Hayley Davinson (Board Member, HD)
- Steve Nicholson (Secretary, SN)
- Jakub Krupa (Board Member, JK)
At our regular monthly meetings, Trust board members normally ask questions relating to as many topics as possible in the time available, based on responses from members to the advance notification of the meeting and our own observations from interacting with the wider supporter base. The Club then gives its position, which is discussed. These notes are therefore a statement of both points of view. The Trust continues to press both the Board’s and its members’ view at this meeting and in separate meetings.
Often members ask similar questions, and, in these cases, we try to summarise, provide the Club with feedback and gain as much useful information as possible in the time available. We also prioritise new and time-critical topics, whilst also seeking updates on longer running issues.
You can access notes of all previous meetings on our web site, including the most recent information on key topics not covered at this meeting.
The following topics were discussed:
The Trust started the meeting by thanking the club for the annual Celebration Day. AM appreciated the words and said it was a meaningful date in the season. Many supporters always experience a challenging moment when they lose someone, and it is nice to come together to remember those loved ones.
The Trust continued by asking about the closing of the January transfer window and if the Club could share how they felt the window went. AM replied, saying that the market was generally very quiet. The only request from Marco was for a striker, which was supplied in the form of Armando Broja.
The Trust continued the conversation concerning the recent crowd congestion ahead of the Liverpool game, particularly regarding the email dialogue from members and the broader Fulham supporter base on this subject. The Trust felt that the overall concern of fans at the evening’s events did not correspond with the Club’s views in their response to a communication sent by the Trust immediately post-game. Advance messaging summarising the feedback received was sent to meeting attendees, and the Club responded based on these messages. CM stated that there had been congestion for those arriving at the Liverpool game but objected to the use of the term crushing, which was also agreed by both internal and external observers at the game that evening, and that it was not unsafe. No one had been in any danger of injury, albeit it was accepted there was congestion.
JD continued to explain how the evening had unfolded from a safety perspective, insisting the congestion made it uncomfortable for some but not dangerous. From their review and analysis, up until 15 minutes before kick-off, all had been as expected, but many arrived late to the game. JD explained that they could delay kick-off if they felt that there was an issue and had the problems happen with 20 minutes remaining. They may have required this, but by 10 minutes, it was no longer deemed a problem sufficient to require a delay. No safety concerns were raised by the police or the EFL representative on the evening, Bob Eastwood.
It was confirmed that the leading cause of problems for those entering was the crowding queues that blocked access through Stevenage Road. With over 16,000 paper tickets issued for this game, the ability to access the ground would always be delayed due to the additional time required per ticket entry. This was further exacerbated by the attempted access to the ground with ticket holders using one of over 1000 counterfeit and non-valid tickets that the Club was able to reject and prevent entry successfully.
In all, the Club realised that these issues were problematic for those supporters unable to access the ground before kick-off, but that 91% had entered by kick-off at 8 PM, and 98% were then inside by 8:10 PM. Even with the use of their most extensive security operation to date at Craven Cottage, with over 500 staff members involved, it was frustrating that there were issues. Still, the Club felt that they did all they could within their powers to ensure as high a level of safety as possible, even if more was needed to ensure that all supporters were in their seats by the stated kick-off time. The added delay in the time each supporter took to access the stadium using a paper ticket significantly impacted this.
KB finished by stating that, by contrast, a usual Premier League game averages around 4,000 paper tickets and that the following FA Cup game against Newcastle had just under 9,000.
The Trust then asked about the possibility of having a window where season ticket holders can purchase their tickets and have them loaded onto their cards. This would only help when STHs wish to buy their seat, not those that like to try a different stand or seat for a cup match. KB replied that this would only solve a small part of the problem because many want to try other stands. For the possibility of a season ticket holder window, this would add significant time to build and then remove this accessibility for those fans, which is only possible when there is a long enough lead time from the announcement of a fixture to the date it is held, often more difficult with cup matches.
The Trust moved the conversation on to the Newcastle home game, and similarly to that of the Liverpool game, had sent in advance a range of views and frustrations from Trust members and non-members about their decisions to attend and thoughts on this game. The Club stated they had nothing further to add to the comments made on the day. SD asked if it was possible to know how many season ticket holders didn’t attend the game. KB replied that the Club can choose to disclose this information and will look into it outside of the meeting, sharing the information if agreed internally. The Trust said that they had not endorsed any boycott of matches to date.
Ahead of the meeting, the Trust asked the Club questions from members relating to ground issues. Their responses were as follows:-
- In the event of an emergency, it would be possible to open the gates at the Putney End of the Riverside stand to help with evacuation;
- It is expected the Riverside Putney End turnstiles will be brought into use when the available capacity of the stand is next increased;
- It is expected the riverside walk will also be opened when the available capacity of the Riverside stand is next increased;
- Safe standing is still under consideration but remains subject to finding a cost-effective solution. The main focus remains on getting the Riverside Stand complete. Other than safe standing, there are no plans to redevelop the Hammersmith or Putney ends.
SN started by asking if season ticket holders who know they cannot make a game can have advanced access to list on the ticket exchange before a game is sold out. KB said this was impossible; only once a game is sold out is the exchange open to use on either side – those wishing to re-sell their ticket or purchase.
Some members noted that the Everton game was listed as sold out, but multiple seats and areas of the ground looked empty. KB explained that this comprises season ticket no-shows, including Premier League partner tickets. It was noted that this was always more of an issue for weekday games.
ML explained that the Club does track the volume of no-shows but not individual tracking of attendance levels, but it can see if a ticket is regularly not being used. KB explained the work the Club does regularly and robustly to prevent third parties from using season tickets. Their active response to try and deter incorrect use involved blocking 30 tickets for an upcoming game this morning to ensure that home fans are using them. From the point of sale to fulfillment, it was shown that the tickets were being tracked. Recently, the Club has had membership packages returned, clearly implying an incorrect address was supplied, and is using this information to find rogue memberships. KB and her team also connect with other Premier League ticket offices to see if similar names or strategies are used. SD suggested that sometimes people without a booking history may be able to purchase still but are not aware the Club would consider selling to them. KB assured the Trust that the Club does everything possible to encourage people to buy directly from the club rather than resale sites. They had recently rejected some ticket purchases for the Bournemouth game due to the Bournemouth postcodes used to purchase the tickets.
SN then asked for clarification on tickets distributed for free to people for the Newcastle game. The Club confirmed that no such distribution took place and that the only distribution of this type that the Club does is via groups such as Tickets for Troops and through the Fulham Foundation for League matches.
SN then asked about the reservation ticket window for season ticket holders. KB explained that this all depends on the turnaround time from the announcement of a match to the date of occurrence. They aim to be around two weeks, then need to apply the reservations to season tickets, then clear down before putting seats on general sale. It was explained that the Club sells the most tickets when seats aren’t reserved.
SN then explained the levels of concern sent in by fans on the possible increases to season ticket pricing for next season and asked if there was any way for the Club to offer the Trust guidance on what to expect. AM explained that it is difficult to have any pre-announcement because many people are always involved, and decisions still need to be made. It is only possible to share information once any work has happened to make these decisions, as it cannot be preempted. He also commented that next season’s pricing had yet to be considered.
The Club is aware of the difference that is being referenced between those older season ticket prices and newer ones within the same block, and a number of 25% being referenced, which it was repeatedly noted is a number that the Trust is the only group that has mentioned directly to ownership, this has never come from the Club. For clarity, SD confirmed the Trust is only suggesting that if the Club looks to make next year’s season ticket renewal price that which would have been paid for a new ticket this season (as has been the case recently), it would equate to a 25% increase.
SN asked if there was any idea when the season ticket pricing information would be announced. The Club will look to update as soon as possible and work ideally to a similar time of last season [late April], but this is not confirmed.
HD then asked some member questions about sustainability, relating directly to the recent revival of clappers at games and having a flamethrower at the start of the Liverpool match. AMc confirmed that the clappers used for the last two seasons are fully recyclable. The flames are considered part of a full review of making matchdays entertaining and sustainable, and the Club is currently undertaking a waste review as part of plans to improve this experience. This will include the possible upgrades and changes to bins and the installation of eco-cups.
TG then confirmed that the Sustainability hub for the Club is now live on the Fulham FC website.
In a final couple of AOB queries from members, CM explained that the lack of programme sellers in the Riverside Stand is due to connectivity issues for the PDQ machines, which until the full stadium is upgraded in this area, it is tough to increase sellers. To mitigate this, it was explained that the fixed units within the stand are all places to purchase a matchday programme.
Regarding a question on benches and folding seats for those with mobility issues wishing to spend longer pre-match in the stadium but needing to sit, AMc said they would look into this with builder group Portview as previously seats were available. Still, these may require movement to more accessible places for people to use them.
JK asked if there were any updates on the request for secure bike parking. AMc will report back as this requires a follow-up ask from the team.
SD closed the meeting with a final question about the launch of Fulham’s Fan Advisory Board (FAB) CM stated that by early next week, it will be possible to share with the Trust to launch publicly next week, too. The process will involve fans being able to apply through a portal, and an internal club assessment will decide those deemed suitable for the Board.
The meeting closed at 14.30.