Notes from May meeting with FFC

On Wednesday, 8th May 2024, at 13.30, the Fulham Supporters’ Trust (FST) met with Fulham FC via video conference.
The Club was represented by:
- Alistair Mackintosh (Chief Executive, AM)
- Darren Preston (Chief Operating Officer, DP)
- David Daly (Non-Executive Director, DD)
- Carmelo Mifsud (Communications Director, CM)
- John D’Arcy (Head of Safety, JD)
- Glen Sutton (Chief Profit Officer, GS)
- Katy Brecht (Head of Ticketing, KB)
- Matt Lowery (Chief Marketing Officer, ML)
- Nicola Walworth (Supporter Relations Manager, NW)
The FST was represented by:
- Simon Duke (Chair, SD)
- Hayley Davinson (Board Member, HD)
- Steve Nicholson (Secretary, SN)
- Ian Clarke (Vice-Chair, IC)
At our regular monthly meetings, Trust board members ask questions relating to as many topics as possible in the time available, based on responses from members to the advance notification of the meeting and our own observations from interacting with the broader supporter base. The Club then gives its position, which is discussed. These notes are, therefore, a statement of both points of view. The Trust continues to press both the Board’s and its members’ views at this meeting and in separate meetings.
Often, members ask similar questions, and in these cases, we try to summarise, provide the Club with feedback, and gain as much useful information as possible in the time available. We also prioritise new and time-critical topics while seeking updates on longer-running issues.
You can access notes of all previous meetings on our website, including the most recent information on key topics not covered at this meeting.
The following topics were discussed:
The Trust opened the meeting referring to the recently released news about the passing of ex-Fulham player Viv Busby and offering condolences to Viv’s family and friends, which the Club kindly offered to pass on.
The Trust also asked that thanks and appreciation should be passed on to all teams for their excellent performances this season. Best wishes will also be sent to the Under-21s before their Premier League Cup Final next Thursday, May 16th.
Personal thanks were also passed on to Katy and the ticketing team who helped a supporter based in Bristol who had not received their tickets over the weekend of the West Ham away game.
The Trust began this part of the meeting by acknowledging the fairness of the recently announced season ticket prices for season 24/25 and informed the Club that the general feedback from members has been very positive. Members had raised a large number of questions about aspects of the announcement which fell into two categories: general questions and those specifically related to digital ticketing.
General questions on 2024/25 tickets
The Trust asked about the rationale for the announced 15,000 cap on season tickets for next season, noting that this appears to be a new initiative.
AM explained that the Club wants everyone to access the football club and attend matches. A season ticket is still the best value way of watching football at Craven Cottage, but they want to allow more supporters to attend on a match-by-match basis. Given the relatively low capacity of Craven Cottage, it was decided to hold season ticket numbers at 15,000 and ask all current season ticket holders to renew by the May 31st deadline.
SD asked what the current season ticket holder number stands at, but AM explained that this information is not shared publicly. Still, they can say that in a typical season, approximately 10-15% do not renew and, there is a strong waiting list of applications to become a season ticket holder, who would then be offered the opportunity to join subject to availability. It is expected that the cap will allow for renewal for all those that wish to.
IC then asked when the prices and application process for new season ticket holders will be announced. ML said that the Club planned to announce this by mid-May, but it will depend on the renewal rate and therefore the availability of seats. The Trust asked how renewal rates are looking and the Club replied it was as expected, so they are happy so far, and they are also confident with future sales based on the healthy waiting list they have at their disposal.
IC asked if the Club knew what this would mean for matchday ticket availability next season. ML replied that it would be higher than this season, at least 4,500. AM added that he wants all current season ticket holders looking to renew to do so and urges them to renew by the 31st May deadline as they are not able to extend this window.
IC also asked if the club could explain the rationale behind offering different renewal prices to those supporters who bought a season ticket for the first time this season (2023/24), thus creating a ‘two-track’ renewal pricing model. SN highlighted that supporters who were renewing for the first time had expected to pay the same renewal price as other season ticket holders, and had expressed their displeasure.
AM replied that all decisions were made together, including the price levels and cap, and that this was the model they thought was best. The Club is pleased to be able to reward the loyalty of longer-term season ticket holders, but values all supporters equally.
IC asked how this model was expected to evolve and whether, for example, those paying the higher rate would always do so. AM said that no decisions had been made beyond this year’s prices.
IC asked if there was any information available on matchday ticket pricing for season 2024/25 and AM said this was being looked at but is not yet available. Any views or feedback in advance would be welcome.
IC noted that there had been a change in sales strategy for the game against Man City, with members’ tickets being subject to a cap for the first time, making more available to season ticket holders. KB explained this was, in part, in response to concerns that too many members’ tickets seemed to end up in the hands of away fans at the Liverpool game. The Club will monitor this on match day to decide if a broader change in approach is required.
The Trust had recently shared some comms from the Brentford website explaining their strategy regarding touting and ticket sales, and asked if Fulham would be able to release anything similar. DP and KB said the club would consider putting comms out around their anti-ticket touting strategy, but noted that they would not wish to provide information that might assist touts to better understand their tactics.
Digital ticketing
IC opened the discussion on digital ticketing by explaining that the Trust is very supportive of the initiative as it should provide an important tool to fight against ticket touting and limit home tickets being bought by away fans. However, it is vital to make sure that the new system doesn’t adversely impact our genuine supporters. Many supporters had contacted the Trust with detailed questions, the answers to which they wanted to understand before renewing. The key concerns broadly relate to ticket sharing, alternative options for those without smartphones and the technology requirements. With this in mind, IC asked what information was available about the new system.
KB explained that, with final decisions still being made, the club does not want to drip-feed information to supporters; full details will be released on a planned schedule over the summer. KB said the Club understands the concerns of some supporters. She explained that the challenge will be to ensure the education piece to supporters is robust, and that is the reason for not delivering any snippets of information ahead of this.
IC said that we understand and agree with the need for clear, structured communications, but would encourage this to take place as soon as possible, especially to help those making season ticket renewal decisions.
KB said she could reassure fans that the Club understood both the need to share season tickets with family and friends and also that some supporters will need an alternative to a smartphone ticket. The new system will provide both of these facilities.
KB further stressed that there will be no change in accessibility for those people who currently share season tickets, and they will be able to continue to do so. ML also explained that the operator being used for the system has extensive experience with Premier League clubs and previous experience with ticket sharing. It was confirmed that neither WiFi nor mobile phone connectivity will be required at the stadium for tickets to work and also that matchday ticketing will move to digital ticketing.
KB finished by explaining that fans will have a complete support system over the summer so that they are prepared and able to access the information before the start of next season.
In closing, IC highlighted that time is short between now and the start of next season and that other clubs had had teething problems when first rolling out digital ticketing. The Trust asked to see a demonstration of the new system when it is ready and offered to help with user testing and supporter communications.
- Stewarding – SN explained that members had contacted the club regarding various stewarding issues in both the Hammersmith End and the Johnny Haynes Stand at recent games. NW confirmed that those members had spoken directly to the club and had been responded to.
- Pyrotechnics – In response to a query regarding the recent pyrotechnics thrown onto the pitch by Crystal Palace fans, JD explained that four fans were arrested and a further two ejected. Those arrested will be subject to football banning orders if they are subsequently convicted. Crystal Palace may also issue bans, but that is a matter for them.
- Health emergencies – To update fans on a recent cardiac issue that occurred during the Crystal Palace game, NW explained that the man discharged himself from the hospital. The 17-year-old home fan who had an incident at the Liverpool game is recovering well.
- Bicycle parking – SN asked about bike parking for supporters. NW said that fans will be able to leave bikes at the Ormiston Bridge Academy, using the Gresswell Street entrance, this weekend (Man City). The club have received some bike racks that they will be installing at the school with formal details being announced for the forthcoming season.
- Away coaches – Regarding a member’s request for a contact number for those attending away games via a coach, DP agreed to look into a plan for a phone number that could be reached for any issues with locating coaches post-match.
- Fan Advisory Board – SD closed the meeting by asking for an update on the FAB formation. CM explained that the Club was at the shortlist stage and was contacting those on that list to learn more about them. They were planning the first meeting in May and then announcing its members.
The meeting closed at 14:30.