Borrowing against Craven Cottage

Fulham Supporters’ Trust (FST) members and fans have picked up on the recent creation of a charge in favour of JP Morgan to secure a banking facility against Craven Cottage. Both the Fan Advisory Board (FAB) and FST have engaged with the Club to understand what this means for the financial security of the Club going forward.
In response the Club have advised this is a commercially confidential transaction for the Chairman and further details will not be disclosed. However the Club did confirm that the borrowing by Fulham Stadium Ltd, the group company that owns Craven Cottage, relates to the completion of the Riverside Stand. We have been reassured it has no bearing on the Chairman’s continued commitment to the Club, which he has demonstrated with the recent activity in the transfer market, and certainly is not an indicator of any intent to divest any part of his interest in Fulham.
Both the FAB and FST welcome this confirmation and thank the Chairman for his continued support for our Club.
David Claridge
Fulham Fan Advisory Board
Simon Duke
Fulham Supporters’ Trust