AGM 2024 – Save the date

The Trust board is pleased to confirm that the Fulham Supporters’ Trust Annual General Meeting will take place on the evening of Thursday 14 November 2024. The meeting, which will be for fully paid up Trust members only, will start at 7pm and will be conducted virtually using the Zoom platform.
We continue to hold the AGM online to give the widest possible opportunity for all members to participate; our AGM attendence numbers have been much higher since we moved to the Zoom platform and we have been able to welcome supporters from around the country and around the world.
We are in the process of finalising the AGM arrangements and guest speakers and will provide full details to members shortly. In the meantime, please save Thursday 14 November in your diaries.
During November, we will be undertaking an annual election process where three board positions will need to be filled. These are currently held by board members standing down by rotation, all of whom may seek re-election should they so choose. The nomination period will open on Wednesday 30 October 2024 and close on Wednesday 13 November 2024. More details on how to put names forward for election will follow nearer the time.
In order to seek election, propose or second a nominee for election or vote in the election you will need to be a fully paid up member of the Fulham Supporters’ Trust as at 1 October 2024.
Thanks for your support of the Fulham Supporters’ Trust.
Simon Duke