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Notes from October meeting with FFC

13th October 2024

Notes from October meeting with FFC

On Wednesday 9 October at 13.30, the Fulham Supporters’ Trust (FST) met with Fulham FC via video conference.

The Club was represented by:

  • Alistair Mackintosh (Chief Executive, AM)
  • David Daly (Non-Executive Director, DD)
  • Darren Preston (Chief Operating Officer, DP)
  • Carmelo Mifsud (Communications Director, CM)
  • Aimee McKenzie (Operations Director, AMcK)
  • John D’Arcy (Head of Safety, JD)
  • Jack Burrows (Marketing Director, JB)
  • Katy Brecht (Head of Ticketing, KB)
  • Nicola Walworth (Supporter Liaison Manager & Disability Liaison Officer, NW)

The FST was represented by:


At our regular monthly meetings, Trust board members normally ask questions relating to as many topics as possible in the time available, based on responses from members to the advance notification of the meeting and our own observations from interacting with the wider supporter base. The Club then gives its position, which is discussed. These notes are therefore a statement of both points of view. The Trust continues to press both the Board’s and its members’ view at this meeting and in separate meetings.

Often members ask similar questions, and, in these cases, we try to summarise, provide the Club with feedback and gain as much useful information as possible in the time available. We also prioritise new and time-critical topics, whilst also seeking updates on longer running issues. 

You can access notes of all previous meetings on our web site, including the most recent information on key topics not covered at this meeting.


Items focussed on at this October meeting were:


SD opened the meeting by congratulating all four teams at the Club (Men’s team, Women’s team, U-21s and U-18s) on their start to the new season – long may it continue!


SD then asked whether there were implications for Fulham in the recent rulings on the Manchester City Associated Party Transaction (APT) case, particularly as our Chairman made interest free loans to the Club, which seemed to be one of the areas highlighted by the case. AM responded that it was still too early to comment in detail, but Fulham had supported the APT rules and would hope to do so if revised rules were tabled. AM added that Fulham were particularly well served by the Chairman turning his loans into shares, so interest was not normally applicable.

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SD said that the Trust had received a number of emails on this subject, some of which had been tabled for this meeting, following in particular the Newcastle game. The Trust accepted that this was a difficult area for all Clubs, not just Fulham, but clearly the overt presence of away supporters was spoiling the enjoyment of some home fans. There was a clear concern that this could one day result in a difficult incident in the ground.

JD said that a number of Newcastle fans in home areas had been ejected from the ground, and there were also issues at the West Ham game. The ticket office did a lot of checks after the game from reported seat numbers etc, but very often these away supporters moved themselves to unused or unsold empty seats eg from Season Ticket Holders not attending a particular match. The Club were also looking at a new and more effective reporting system for fans to tell the control room of away fans overtly in Fulham areas. JD will be following up with the relevant stewards as to why action was not being taken in some of the incidences highlighted by the Trust and others, but a balance had always to be struck between creating an even greater incident and the need to take action. 

JD continued that the bottom line for the Club was to protect the enjoyment of home and away supporters in their respective parts of the ground. The Villa game had been a challenge last season, and the Club was looking to have around 500 staff, 40% or so directly employed by the Club, for the forthcoming fixture. Stewards would again be reminded of the need to report issues to the Control Room, who could then decide whether further action was required. CM would also be looking again at communication to fans. 

In response SD said the Trust were ready to support ideas from the Club. One option could be the return of a neutral section, but that would inconvenience a number of current season ticket holders. SD congratulated KB and NW on the detective work they did after and before the game to track down potential away supporters and follow up, and where appropriate, ban members and season ticket holders who had facilitated the selling of tickets to away supporters in home areas.

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SN commented that the Trust continued to be supportive of the introduction of digital ticketing, but a number of issues had been raised by Trust members:

  • American Express Cards: Amex cards still seemed to be unavailable for buying tickets online – KB said this was not the case and Amex transactions had been processed (apart from a few issues with in-person sales, now resolved) but it appeared the dropdown box on type of credit card had not been updated. However if supporters entered an Amex card number, it would be and had been processed – she would look again at the drop-down box (now done and box updated);
  • Matchday digital ticketing support: A very few digital tickets seemed not to work at turnstiles and stewards seemed unclear what do in such instances – KB advised that affected supporters should go the nearest ticket office (there were now two more at each end of the Riverside Stand) or to the ticket collection point, where queues were now much smaller following the introduction of the digital system;
  • Riverside access: In response to a question from SN, KB confirmed that all Riverside tickets could be used to enter at both Riverside turnstiles, although there had been some confusion at a recent game; this will also be made clearer on next season’s tickets;
  • Loyalty points: SN asked about the seeming removal of 2 extra loyalty points for season ticket Holders for attending a game, as well as the 50 points for buying a season ticket. KB said the correct system was now being operated, the last ticket provider had been unable in their system to distinguish between season ticket and ordinary ticket entry so everyone had received those 2 points, but the system now operating was the correct one. It was still the intention to review loyalty points going forward, although a change would inevitably produce winners and losers and be controversial. The Trust was concerned that recent season ticket holders who attended all away games were disadvantaged by the longevity of the current system, and agreed to re-submit a few thoughts for such a review.
  • Ticket forwarding: KB confirmed that it was not necessary to be a Club member to have a digital ticket forwarded, just a requirement for a One Fulham account, including for child ticket holders. She agreed to look separately at a particular issue raised by the mother of a child member – the online benefits attached to all membership were clearly set out on the website.

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TD and then JC asked a number of questions raised by Trust members:

  • Club shop crowding: The Club Shop was very overcrowded on match-days, and although space at the Cottage was very scarce, could anything be done about this. DP responded that they intended to increase the retail offering on the Riverside concourse, but apart from asking supporters to shop as early as possible it was difficult to see what could be done. DD added that even Manchester United with a huge Club shop had to shut their shop several times each matchday because of overcrowding;
  • Refreshments: A club member had suggested that refreshment prices were out-of-line with other clubs. AMcK responded that they did not think this was the case as the Club did benchmark with local clubs and pubs, but she would continue to review.

    The Trust has since the meeting done some research and Fulham prices do seem broadly in line with other London clubs, with costs of staff being rather higher in the London area than many other parts of the country.

    In response to a question from TD, the Club said it would continue to review whether a bitter, perhaps canned, could be provided;
  • Bag drop: TD asked whether in the light of queues it would be possible to have separate queues based on numbered tickets to collect bags after the match. DP agreed to consider this, but like other PL Clubs, Fulham’s continuing aim was to reduce to an absolute minimum bags being taken to matches;
  • Accessible toilets: TD, again understanding that space was very limited, asked whether more accessible toilet provision could be provided, and whether those that were provided, along with the sensory room, could be better signposted/communicated. There was no space for further toilet provision, but CM agreed to look again at communications;
  • Bishop’s Park exit: DP confirmed that the Bishop’s Park exit from the Riverside should remain open until 30 minutes before the Bishop’s Park gates were themselves closed, ie 19:30 at the current time for day matches. There had been some confusion with stewards at a recent game, but this had now been rectified;
  • Fire burners: JB, in response to a query from a Trust member, said that he knew some supporters liked the fire burners, enhancing the atmosphere, at the beginning of the game whilst other supporters thought them unnecessary and out of line with a sustainability drive. They would not be in place at every game, hopefully satisfying both points of view!
  • Attendance numbers: CM confirmed that first team attendance numbers were sent to media outlets, and that he knew these were published by some outlets eg the BBC – he agreed also to include in match reports, and in due course the match centre, going forward. These attendance figures, as for all clubs, were based on tickets sold, even if unused;
  • Celebration Day: Finally NW confirmed that the Celebration Day would again be held in the first couple of months of the New Year, but the exact fixture had not yet been determined’

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The meeting closed at 14:25.

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