Notes from the November meeting with FFC

On Wednesday 13 November at 13.30, the Fulham Supporters’ Trust (FST) met with Fulham FC via video conference.
The Club was represented by:
- Alistair Mackintosh (Chief Executive, AM)
- Carmelo Mifsud (Communications Director, CM)
- Jack Burrows (Marketing Director, JB)
- Katy Brecht (Head of Ticketing, KB)
- Nicola Walworth (Supporter Liaison Manager & Disability Liaison Officer, NW)
The FST was represented by:
- Simon Duke (Chair, SD)
- Steve Nicholson (Secretary, SN)
- Hayley Davinson (Board member, HD)
At our regular monthly meetings, Trust board members normally ask questions relating to as many topics as possible in the time available, based on responses from members to the advance notification of the meeting and our own observations from interacting with the wider supporter base. The Club then gives its position, which is discussed. These notes are therefore a statement of both points of view. The Trust continues to press both the Board’s and its members’ view at this meeting and in separate meetings.
Often members ask similar questions, and, in these cases, we try to summarise, provide the Club with feedback and gain as much useful information as possible in the time available. We also prioritise new and time-critical topics, whilst also seeking updates on longer running issues.
You can access notes of all previous meetings on our web site, including the most recent information on key topics not covered at this meeting.
Items focussed on at this November meeting were:
- Role of the FAB
- Ticketing, including the ticket exchange
- Riverside Stand update
- Fulham Women, including comms
- Other business
The meeting opened with general happiness about the mood across the Club and the great pleasure that fans are currently enjoying with the recent runs of results, both for the male and female Fulham teams.
SD opened the questions from the Trust by advising the Club that one member had asked what the current position is with the Fan Advisory Board as there have been no communications since the formal launch. SD had discussed with David Claridge, FAB Chair, who confirmed that whilst work was going on in the background, the main delay was in setting up IT infrastructure. CM explained that the next steps are in process, which involves the purchase of a domain (completed), email addresses for each member, and a form of contact for any fan raise with the FAB about concerns they may have. Once this is in place (expected to be 2/3 weeks), there will be an opportunity for the FAB to communicate how to get in touch and vice-versa. Communication may include the responsibility split FAB/FST details to avoid duplication.
SD then raised questions about the latest draft of the Football Bill, which is making its way through Parliament. There are two significant amendments to the earlier draft:-
- Consultation with fans on pricing;
- Democratic selection of FAB members rather than Clubs making unilateral decisions
Both of these go against the way the Club has acted until now. CM explained that the Club were happy with how they had acted up until now based on the guidelines in establishing the Fan Advisory Board but will of course review any recommendations in approach required by changes to legislation if / when passed.
CM went on to explain that the terms of reference are what the club always aims to refer to with any queries on the structure of the Fulham FAB and they may be amended as required in light of any legislative changes and would require in further details and input from club / FAB and external stakeholders. Each club has set theirs up uniquely, and there is a difference in structures across the Premier League. The club remain confident that they will use the guidance from the Premier League to ensure they have a structure that fits the requirements of the Football Governance Bill. Regarding the setup in its initial form CM also added the objective from the outset was to have a FAB that could provide representation for fans.
It was also noted that the work undertaken by the club to ensure compliance has added to the team’s workload significantly, and to mitigate this work, the Supporter Relations Department has one new full-time member in the department started this week with another full-time member joining in January.
SN then asked about recent ticketing issues, namely the inability to use the ticket exchange, which was particularly frustrating on the night of the recent home game against Brentford and had always been advocated by the Club as a reason to commit to a season ticket. It was noted that most emails to the Trust had been on this subject, plus (briefly, as Arsenal pricing had only been announced a couple of hours before the meeting) the Arsenal game itself.
The Trust made the suggestion that on nights such as the Brentford home game – with a far lower chance of a total sell-out, including the Riverside was unlikely given the game being on a Monday night and available to watch at home – Ticket Exchange could be used as a stand by stand basis. This would allow those who cannot afford Riverside prices to attend games. Without giving any commitment, the Club has agreed to consider this.
Regarding the Arsenal pricing, AM was extremely confident of a sell-out for the fixture in all areas of the stadium. Regarding Brentford, it had felt like an unusual mix for a Monday night fixture at the end of half-term, but for upcoming other fixtures, Wolves and Arsenal, he was far more confident of these games selling out. From a commercial perspective, it is imperative to be primarily focused on selling a game out. It has been noted that it is of importance to Marco (Silva), and it means a lot to him to see the Riverside stand in particular, full.
So, concerning a future fixture like Brentford, a conversation has started between AM, KB, and JB. Still, with a packed fixture list and a busy Christmas period, the Club felt confident that an outlier like a Monday evening fixture would not happen often. KB added that from a commercial perspective, it doesn’t make sense to open the ticket exchange and give credit back to season ticket holders (STHs) whilst still attempting to sell tickets, but the technology does mean that this is possible when the possibilities of it being helpful to the Club to sell more tickets are in place.
Whilst noting the credit returned to STHs, KB also explained that with the recent change of ticketing platform provider, it would be required to change the system of returning credit to those exchanging their ticket. The new platform would allow a more flat-rate exchange fee and credit the member with their funds as soon as their ticket is sold, rather than after the fixture has been completed.
SD again expressed the Trust’s concerns over high ticket pricing, which is preventing many supporters from attending games. Over time, this will have a detrimental effect on the sustainable fan base. SD also confirmed the Trust support for the FSA-led #StopExploitingLoyalty campaign, which the Club had already been aware of.
With specific questions in regards to the Riverside Stand and with Darren Preston and Glen Sutton being unable to attend the meeting in person, it was agreed that those questions be emailed to them, which has since been done so, and with the following replies:
- What is the present capacity of the Riverside Stand? Licensed capacity is 7,351
- If not yet fully available, when will it be, and what work is still required? More seats and lounge capacity will come forward as we complete some base build rectifications and finish floors so they’re usable.
- When will the Market Place be open on non-match days? The plan is for the area to open fully in late January or early February.
- Will any priority or concession be given to season ticket holders or residents to use any new facilities? There will be plenty of offers and promotions for those with ST’s. We will also have a Fulham Pier loyalty scheme for those who visit often. Hopefully, we can provide plenty of reasons to keep visiting!
HD asked if there was an official attendance number for the latest FFC Women’s game at Craven Cottage and how the team felt the attendance was going. JB stated that the actual attendance through the gate was approximately 1,500. A higher number of tickets were purchased but were unused by fans not attending on the day. JB explained that the fixtures at the Cottage are great opportunities to showcase the team and the matchday experience, particularly as they are often enjoyed by those attending – more families. Many factors will impact how many more fixtures the Club can hold this season, but the aim is to develop this and encourage those who attend at the Cottage also to look to continue to follow at Motspur Park.
It was suggested that the possibility of arranging coaches from Craven Cottage to Motspur or vice versa and other ways to help encourage fans who have enjoyed games to return and support the team more, all of which the Club team are looking into. For matches at Motspur Park, the club regularly flyer locally to encourage residents to attend matches and target a number of fixtures across the season where entertainment offering is enhanced with additional activity to generate a family atmosphere.
HD then asked about the ability to have equal communications on the Club website for the Women’s team and the Academy, where sometimes there has been some inconsistency for the Women’s updates. There is a different style of table for U21s/U18s, for example, and JB explained this due to the information that the club receives from the league. They are looking into a way to create the same style table for the women and will update it in due course.
CM then spoke further about the comms on the website and explained that one part-time person is charged with the entire digital comms task for the Women’s team – website, email and social media, but the full-time staff also assist as much as possible. It has been felt that other digital platforms (namely social) have had higher traffic for learning about the women’s team, and therefore more focus has been put into these areas. The Club are always looking to improve communications, but they also want to help encourage growth by maximising the use of the platforms where match reports are most likely to be read, hence the focus on social. CM invited it for any further ideas for increasing the comms that come to the Trust via the board or members to speak in more depth about this topic outside of the meeting.
SN explained that members had enquiries about using the OneFulham account and the ticketing account that the details needed to be updated on both. This led to confusion, such as deliveries going to old postal addresses and email addresses needing to be registered. KB was aware of these issues and is trying to update as quickly as possible. Still, it is best to check that the email address that people have signed up for on the main website is the same email that their OneFulham account is registered with, as if two email addresses are used, this can cause confusion.
Various Trust members also noted that the quality of the burgers had recently been lessened, and the stock levels also appear to be off, with burgers at the recent Brentford game being sold out before kick-off. AM and JB agreed to take the issue to the following internal Commercial meeting and feedback.
Finally, from the Trust, SN explained that an email had been received asking about using street branding on lamposts, which is used by another football club based in SW6, and asked if Fulham could have a similar street branding exercise on Stevenage Road or around Putney Bridge station. This is something that the Club have looked into, and they will let the Trust and members know of any updates in this area.
CM closed the meeting by explaining that the annual ED&I survey is asking for responses from fans who would have received an email, which the club sent to their database names. Anyone who still needs to receive the survey should contact It could be that their email communication preferences need amending, which can be done by logging into the OneFulham account. Clicking Profile>Manage Account, then scroll down to check your Communication Preferences.