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Notes from our March meeting with Fulham FC

21st March 2025

Image of the facade outside of Craven Cottage

On Wednesday 13 March at 13.00, the Fulham Supporters’ Trust (FST) met with Fulham FC via video conference.

The Club was represented by:

Carmelo Mifsud (Communications Director, CM)

Glen Sutton (Fulham Pier Director, GS)

Jack Burrows (Marketing Director, JB)

Jamie Nicholson (Head of Fan Engagement, JN)

Katy Brecht (Head of Ticketing, KB)

The FST were represented by:

Simon Duke (Chair, SD)

Jerry Cope (Treasurer & Membership Secretary, JC)

Steve Nicholson (Secretary, SN)

Ian Clarke (FST Ticketing advisor, IC)


At our regular monthly meetings, Trust board members normally ask questions relating to as many topics as possible in the time available, based on responses from members to the advance notification of the meeting and our own observations from interacting with the wider supporter base. However, based on our February meeting with the Club, we had agreed that with the issue of ticket purchasing being that with so many questions and opinions from our fanbase, it would be useful to instead arrange for a select group of Trust board members and those directly involved with ticketing issues at the Club, to meet. This included ex-board member Ian Clarke, who although not a current serving board member, is still closely involved with the understanding of these issues from a supporter viewpoint, and was able to offer useful knowledge and support in this meeting.

You can access notes of all previous meetings on our website, including the most recent information on key topics not covered at this meeting.


This special meeting, at the request of the FST, replaced the normal monthly meeting with the Club, to focus on the approach to ticketing, in particular the FST’s letter to the Club of 6 February 2025


SD opened the meeting by underlining that the Trust’s objective today was on how to make the ticketing experience better for fans and where possible make life easier for ticket office staff.  

The Trust also wanted to put on record the hard work and responsiveness of ticket office staff, which was appreciated by very many fans. 


Before moving to discuss the points raised in the Trust’s February letter, the Trust asked the Club for their reaction to the sale of Palace FA Cup tickets where it was clear a number of fans had found it difficult to buy the tickets they were allocated, to get through on the phone, and faced long queues at the ticket office. Members were still concerned whether they would get tickets, particularly as the priority order had changed from a typical Premier League match. 

In response KB emphasised that the key objective had been to ensure that the ground was as full as possible with Fulham and potential Fulham fans to ensure a great atmosphere for the team. Palace had been allocated the absolute minimum number of tickets (15%) required by the competition rules, and these had been allocated in the most favourable way possible to create that atmosphere. The Club had been surprised and pleased at demand but still expected Members and STHs (Season Ticket Holders) to get seats across the ground. There were clearly lessons to be learned, not least in more communication about assigning and managing tickets for friends & family and getting the sequencing of ticket sales in an optimum way, hence the change of plan, as also suggested by the Trust to allow displaced Putney End STHs their own purchase window. A particular issue had been identified relating to the ability to purchase reserved seats for friends and family who do not have One Fulham accounts, e.g. parents buying for juniors. KB explained that this currently required intervention by the ticket office and that the Club would investigate further and provide information for future cup games.   

SD responded that a number of the issues highlighted by the Palace game would be covered by the more general discussion, which the Trust letter had set out. He suggested this letter was covered point by point, except for loyalty points which was the subject of a separate piece of work. 


SD started by asking whether there was a way the general approach to matchday ticket-prices could be set out for fans to understand, as many Premier League clubs do. He accepted that the timing of the match (eg for TV) might have an effect on pricing decisions, but felt the Club could do more to set the general principles behind the pricing structure for individual matches. KB agreed to consider what more could be done, but the issue was complex for a Club of Fulham’s size, as they tried to maximise attendance with a number of variables involved, which often changed as the date of the actual match approached. 


IC then asked whether there could be a clearer timetable for on-sale dates for matches, particularly away matches where travel arrangements had to be made, which got more expensive nearer kick-off date. KB said that, despite the Premier League requirement for away tickets to be provided four weeks in advance of a fixture, the Club were dependant on many complicating factors including the away Club confirming which seats were available and providing the physical tickets to match that configuration, and Fulham’s own decision on allocation (how many tickets to take). She did expect a more regular pattern to emerge next season as they would be able to use a number of the Ticketmaster seat plans from this season. The Club also intended to trial at least one away match with digital tickets which should help. The Trust said that any action which could provide even a few days extra notice would be welcome. KB added that the Club were also doing some market research on the possibility of again, albeit probably in a different way to previously, issuing away season tickets for supporters to give a greater certainty to enable travel planning etc. 


SD asked where the Club stood on the Trust view that the Ticket Exchange be open either stand by stand, or horseshoe and Riverside separately. The Trust felt this might well increase revenue and attendance overall for the Club from those unable to afford Riverside seats, the last few of which often, eg for the forthcoming Spurs game, were stopping the opening of the Exchange. Other Clubs adopted such an approach. 

KB confirmed this method was now technically possible, and the Club would start internal discussions whether to introduce such a change, perhaps via a trial. 


SN and IC outlined the Trust view that more and more detailed communications, including a dedicated social media channel on tickets, would help give supporters real-time information leading to greater trust and knowledge about ticket sales, including the number of tickets remaining. This was particularly evidenced around the issues surrounding the current Palace game, where maybe there would have been less pressure on the system and staff if more had been known quicker and common problems answered.  

CM responded that although the Club did not want to proliferate its volume of social media channels, they would be holding a review and look at pushing out more information through existing channels. KB added that she would ask supporters, who were perhaps struggling to get through on the telephone only to communicate once about problems, as multiple communications only added to the delay for everyone. She said that email to was probably the quickest way to get a response from the Club, as they tried to answer these within a few hours (even though the automated response gave a longer backstop response time). In response to a question from JC, KB said that although there were lots of different views on the issue, Club policy was not to allow too many supporters to queue on the telephone, possibly for hours, hence the automated message. The Club did not have equipment to estimate queuing time, which in any event varied considerably depending on the issues being raised. 


SD and JN both said they found the meeting useful and in a positive spirit. There were a lot of issues to consider, and the Club and the Trust would remain in touch as these were worked through. 

The meeting closed at 1405

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