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News: Tickets

Conditional TV picks

22nd July 2023

Conditional TV picks

Some information from the FSA on "conditional" TV picks and their impact on match-going fans.

Open Letter to Shahid Khan

12th April 2023

Open Letter to Shahid Khan

The Trust has today written this open letter to Shahid Khan about season ticket prices.

Season ticket prices

11th April 2023

Season ticket prices

Today’s announcement of season ticket price rises by Fulham FC is extremely disappointing, particularly given the challenges we are all facing with our everyday costs.

Loyalty – what’s the point?

7th April 2023

Loyalty – what’s the point?

How loyal are you? Board member Ian Clarke discusses a ticketing issue that rumbles on continually, and the debate around any changes that could possibly be made.

FA Cup ticket prices

28th February 2023

FA Cup ticket prices

Our views following discussions with the Club on the Leeds ticket pricing for the FA Cup fifth round.

Ticket pricing meeting with Fulham

19th July 2022

Ticket pricing meeting with Fulham

Read the notes of our meeting with Fulham FC on ticket pricing following the announcement of the Liverpool ticket prices.

Ticket Pricing Survey

17th July 2022

Ticket Pricing Survey

Please take our ticket pricing survey and spread the word by passing this onto all Fulham fans. We will take the results back to the Club.

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